Would you like to become an expert developer?

Are you struggling to develop your software engineering skills and advance your career? Do you feel that you hit a plateau?

Improving your skills as a software engineer can be quite hard if you don’t know where to look, or what to do next.

You are not alone.

In college, no one taught you how to become an expert developer. Or how to make the best decisions to help your team succeed.

No one told you how to ship code faster. How to talk to a client or understand a customer.

Most importantly: no one showed you how to avoid software project failures.

That’s exactly what this blog is all about: how to win as a software engineer.

I offer tools, exercises, workshops, and tips to help you become an expert developer. Learn how to:

  • Understand and empathize with your customers/users
  • Get better at communication and help your team succeed
  • Write and ship professional, maintainable code, and improve your existing codebase
  • Practice the skills every professional developer requires and build confidence in your abilities

How can I help you?

Hi 👋 I’m Thiago Araujo (thd), nice to meet you!

I’m a software engineer, entrepreneur, and educator.

I’m on a mission to help developers grow and get better at their software engineering skills.

The world doesn’t need more ninjas, gurus, or wizards. It needs professional developers.

Developers who are kind and humble. Who can build better software to help more people and improve society.

I write on the hexdevs newsletter about Software Development. Sign up here. 📧

Talks and Podcasts

I’ve done a few talks and interviews about Software Development:

Quick facts about me

Living in Vancouver, Canada. 🏞️

I’ve been working as a software engineer since 2010.

I’ve built products for many early-stage startups. Started a consulting firm to build digital products for companies following Agile practices.

I’m the co-founder of hexdevs where I help developers build expertise by running workshops, mentoring, sharing knowledge, and giving talks.

I ❤️ Ruby and Elixir.

I write about software development here at ☄️thd.codes.

I co-host the 🎙️hexdevs podcast with Stefanni Brasil.

Previously @patch, @commit.dev, @cto.ai, @predictable-revenue.

I have a degree in Computer Science, was pursuing a Master’s in CompSci. I also have done research in the field of AI.

  • 📫 How to reach me: @thdaraujo or e-mail: hi at thd.codes
  • 😄 Pronouns: he/him
  • 🗨️ How to pronounce my name: /chee-AH-go/
  • ⚡ Fun fact: My parents were smugglers of computer parts back in the 90s in Brazil (ask me about their story!)
  • 🚲 Hobbies: photography, hiking, cycling, cooking, and calligraphy.